Snowing in Malaysia

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Daddy's Girl

Last Thursday, 21April 2011 I received a visit from my dad. He had to attend a meeting here in Kelana Jaya and decided to stay at my place. I'm touched that he chose to stay at my 16th floor condo instead of my sister's.(kdayah jangan marah ye)  :)

I know it's not an easy thing for my dad to stay here.. yeah he might be very wise and knowledgeable in many things but he's a little bit phobia when it comes to lift.. probably the thought of being trapped alone in one of those 'moving boxes' is a little bit too much for him.. who doesn't?

The 5 days stay here flies very fast.. almost all the times were filled with laughter, his life stories, maths and BM quizzes to my daughter Alliya and of course the common topics that we share@ teaching/ schools/ students etc.
Once in a while topics on politic were mentioned. :P
Alliya also took the chance to interview her 'tok wan' for her Sejarah's folio as the 'Tokoh in the Family'.. This is a quote of what her Tok Wan@my dad said to her before the interview :
"Kalau Alliya nak tulih pasal Tok Wan, Alliya mesti tulih lebih tebai dari buku Mahathir.. kalau tak, baik tok sah tulih"

Don't worry those are just encouraging or challenging words from my dad to my daughter.. Who knows maybe one day my Alliya will become one of Malaysia's famous writer like her favourite; Ain Maisarah.

We also took him to his favorite event.. none other than the Pesta Buku Antarabangsa KL 2011, Midvalley MPH and last but not least the Minerva's at Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman. He can spend hours at these places..

Alliya and her Tok Wan @ the new renovated Puduraya
At the Ani's Sup Utara, BSP :)

In the LRT to Salak South after visited the PBAB-KL
But the best part of all is to take him to places of eateries.. all and all we really enjoyed our time spent with my dad.. I hope he'll come and stay with us again... miss you dad..

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Cheesy Story Part 2- Who Moved My Cheese

Being a government servant we're bind to follow certain rules and regulations and one of them is the need to attend courses/seminars etc at least 7 days/year. Of course it has a good rationale behind the directive but last year was not a prosperous year.. we didn't have any allocation to carry out courses/in-house in the school furthermore not many teachers were called to attend courses outside, and yet we still need to fulfill this 7 days courses.. hmm.. Somehow one of the 'brilliant man' up on the Putrajaya came up with this 'Book Review' suggestion where we can read a book (at least 32 pages), summarize, create a PowerPoint and present it to our colleagues. Presenter will get an equivalent of 1 day course and listener will get 2hours/presenter even if the presenter only presents a 10minutes presentation. Yay..


To fulfill mine I have chosen a motivational book entitled Who Moved My Cheese- For Teens. I chose it because the book is the #1 bestseller that helped millions of people deal with change (as claimed by the writer). Secondly, it's a 96 pages book with almost half of it contains pictures. Most of all I was so moved when I saw pictures of mice in jogging suits and sneakers.. they're so cute. Last but not least.. of course I think this simple book is easy to understand and can motivate me and my colleagues on how to cope with CHANGE. 

These are some of the words of wisdom taken from the book :
Change Happens - They Keep Moving The Cheese
Anticipate Change - Get Ready For The Cheese To Move
Monitor Change - Smell The Cheese Often So You Know When It Is Getting Old
Adapt to Change Quickly -The Quicker You Let Go Of Old Cheese, The Sooner You Can Enjoy New Cheese
Change - Move With The Cheese
Enjoy Change! - Savor The Adventure And Enjoy The Taste Of New Cheese!
Be Ready to Quickly Change And Enjoy It, Again And Again! - They Keep Moving The Cheese

To learn more, visit CHEESE :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Chessy Story

Today I was looking for ideas to update my blog. Since I'm an indoor kinda 'girl' so I thought my book shelves would be a good place to start.. while browsing I can see a lot of Cheesy or related to cheese books on the shelves.. all thanks to my beloved daughter. She owned a collection of this Geronimo Stilton books that use mice as the characters in their stories.. moreover we just had our leftover pizza which of course uses cheese as the main ingredient so I thought maybe today I'm going to tell you some information about cheese.. surprise??

These facts I got from a book I bought for my daughter a few years back. At that time I thought she's going to be my little chef so to encourage her I bought her this "Usborne Little Round the World Cookbook" among others. But later I found out that she can only be a chef if the cooking doesn't involve any fire/stove.. there goes my dream of becoming a proud parent in the Junior Master Chef Malaysia.. huhuhu..

Here goes the things about Cheese:

There's a huge variety of cheeses around the world. Some are soft and creamy, while others are firmer with a stronger flavor. Most cheeses are made from cows' milk but some are made from goats' or sheep's milk. To name a few we have the Parmesan, the Tallegio, the Cheddar, the Smoked Cheese, the Manchego, the Ricotta, the Cream Cheese, the Mozzarella, the Stilton, the Goats' Cheese, the Edam, the Saint Andre and a lot more.. feheew..

if you want more information you can check out this website enter the keyword "world cookbook" and key in page number "55".. there you'll find more information on CHEESE

By the way.. before I end, let's all say "CHEESE" :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bloggy Stories

It has been sometimes since my 1st entry in this blog.. actually I'm not an 'avid' blogger.. the reason I started this also because I want to read other people's blogs and once in a while drop them a few comments.. Other reasons why I'm not writing a lot??

1. I'm a very-very shy person.. :P

2. being in the profession that I'm now.. sharing too much things up here might not be a wise thing to do.. in a harsh word, i'm a 'coward'.. hihihi

3. I don't have any ideas.. I have many hobbies but most of them are just half baked @ suam-suam kuku or 'warm-warm finger nails'..

4. last but not least.. I've a partner who can't wait to comment me about my 'writing' :( .. so to save the unnecessary confrontation and argument.. I decided not to do anything with this blog.. hehehe acceptable reasons?

Anyway, since now I have three blog followers (1 was added by myself).. maybe I should start activating this blog.. who knows maybe one day I'll be famous like cikgu Shida with her 'miming' youtube :)