1. I'm a

2. being in the profession that I'm now.. sharing too much things up here might not be a wise thing to do.. in a harsh word, i'm a 'coward'.. hihihi
3. I don't have any ideas.. I have many hobbies but most of them are just half baked @ suam-suam kuku or 'warm-warm finger nails'..
4. last but not least.. I've a partner who can't wait to comment me about my 'writing' :( .. so to save the unnecessary confrontation and argument.. I decided not to do anything with this blog.. hehehe acceptable reasons?
Anyway, since now I have three blog followers (1 was added by myself).. maybe I should start activating this blog.. who knows maybe one day I'll be famous like cikgu Shida with her 'miming' youtube :)
Hahahaha... Good one Filah! No.4... who's that culprit heh? :) Hmm