Snowing in Malaysia

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Cheesy Story Part 2- Who Moved My Cheese

Being a government servant we're bind to follow certain rules and regulations and one of them is the need to attend courses/seminars etc at least 7 days/year. Of course it has a good rationale behind the directive but last year was not a prosperous year.. we didn't have any allocation to carry out courses/in-house in the school furthermore not many teachers were called to attend courses outside, and yet we still need to fulfill this 7 days courses.. hmm.. Somehow one of the 'brilliant man' up on the Putrajaya came up with this 'Book Review' suggestion where we can read a book (at least 32 pages), summarize, create a PowerPoint and present it to our colleagues. Presenter will get an equivalent of 1 day course and listener will get 2hours/presenter even if the presenter only presents a 10minutes presentation. Yay..


To fulfill mine I have chosen a motivational book entitled Who Moved My Cheese- For Teens. I chose it because the book is the #1 bestseller that helped millions of people deal with change (as claimed by the writer). Secondly, it's a 96 pages book with almost half of it contains pictures. Most of all I was so moved when I saw pictures of mice in jogging suits and sneakers.. they're so cute. Last but not least.. of course I think this simple book is easy to understand and can motivate me and my colleagues on how to cope with CHANGE. 

These are some of the words of wisdom taken from the book :
Change Happens - They Keep Moving The Cheese
Anticipate Change - Get Ready For The Cheese To Move
Monitor Change - Smell The Cheese Often So You Know When It Is Getting Old
Adapt to Change Quickly -The Quicker You Let Go Of Old Cheese, The Sooner You Can Enjoy New Cheese
Change - Move With The Cheese
Enjoy Change! - Savor The Adventure And Enjoy The Taste Of New Cheese!
Be Ready to Quickly Change And Enjoy It, Again And Again! - They Keep Moving The Cheese

To learn more, visit CHEESE :)

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